This is a index of John Howe artwork, sorted by the book.
It may be useful for fast downloading, but if you really want
to download images you should probably use some special
download utilities (ReGet for example). Some pictures are
dated, but if there are question marks instead of the date, it
means that I am unsure of the correct date. Mail me if you
know it, to

The Silmarillion

Ungoliant and Melkor ???? (261022 bytes, 850x1111 jpeg)
Melkor and Ungoliant Before The Two Trees     1993 (463521 bytes, 1464x939 jpeg)
The Siege of Angband 1992 (414412 bytes, 1466x942 jpeg)
Fingolfin's Challenge to Morgoth ???? (338172 bytes, 1464x936 jpeg)
Turambar and Glaurung 1989 (463981 bytes, 983x1526 jpeg)
Nienor and Glaurung ???? (281857 bytes, 1260x841 jpeg)
Ulmo, The Lord of the Waters 1991 (349588 bytes, 1464x939 jpeg)
The Battle of Gondolin ???? (492266 bytes, 1456x938 jpeg)
The Fall of Gondolin ???? (426615 bytes, 902x1519 jpeg)
Glorfindel and the Balrog 1989 (306526 bytes, 983x1522 jpeg)
The Door of Night 1991 (379744 bytes, 1464x939 jpeg)
The White Tower of Elwing ???? (336202 bytes, 1461x935 jpeg)
The Drowning of Anadune 1991 (268044 bytes, 1260x834 jpeg)

The Hobbit Or There And Back Again

A Hobbit Dwelling ???? (291414 bytes, 1227x850 jpeg)
Gandalf Comes to Hobbiton     1991 (372263 bytes, 1462x930 jpeg)
An Unexpected Party ???? (293680 bytes, 1263x806 jpeg)
Descent to Rivendell ???? (286058 bytes, 1262x942 jpeg)
The Great Goblin 1986 (360880 bytes, 823x1087 jpeg)
The Ravens 1979 (425959 bytes, 1003x1300 jpeg)
Smaug 1990 (451429 bytes, 901x1517 jpeg)
The Death of Smaug 1986 (458736 bytes, 1300x969 jpeg)

The Lord Of The Rings

Gandalf, One of the Istari 1991 (418932 bytes, 1422x976 jpeg)
Gandalf Arrives to Hobbiton ???? (87084 bytes, 1129x631 jpeg)
The Black Rider 1987? (450691 bytes, 1347x981 jpeg)
Old Man Willow 1989 (495681 bytes, 1418x965 jpeg)
At the Ford 1989 (387940 bytes, 1422x965 jpeg)
Approaching Caradhras ???? (426988 bytes, 1422x961 jpeg)
Gandalf and the Balrog ???? (280571 bytes, 1260x850 jpeg)
Galadriel ???? (449950 bytes, 942x1487 jpeg)
Uruk-Hai 1985 (489369 bytes, 1347x1117 jpeg)
Treebeard 1995 (217912 bytes, 1250x850 jpeg)
The Treason of Isengard ???? (230692 bytes, 1263x818 jpeg)
Gandalf Approaches the Guarded City ???? (388300 bytes, 1459x929 jpeg)
Minas Tirith 1990 (447596 bytes, 902x1518 jpeg)
Minas Tirith and the Tower of Ecthelion ???? (360673 bytes, 1426x965 jpeg)
The Dark Tower ???? (447889 bytes, 1422x961 jpeg)
The War of the Ring ???? (302005 bytes, 1263x850 jpeg)
Eowyn and the Nazgul ???? (382349 bytes, 1422x964 jpeg)
Sam and Shelob ???? (403045 bytes, 1422x968 jpeg)
The Lieutenant of The Black Tower of Barad-Dur     1987? (381252 bytes, 1347x970 jpeg)
In Mordor 1989 (497187 bytes, 1422x979 jpeg)

Other Tolkien Artwork

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight     ???? (226565 bytes, 1267x815 jpeg)
Tolkien's Middle-Earth ???? (331911 bytes, 1006x965 jpeg)

Gilrond's design, Eregion Realm ©